Real Life - April 12, 2024

04.10.24 | Lakeland Times Article | by Steve Rowe

Real Life - April 12, 2024

    Real Life -- Lakeland Times -- April 12, 2024

    Real Life  With Pastor Steve

    April 12, 2024

    An idea is worthless unless you use it. ~ John Maxwell, Leadership author and speaker

      There have been a lot of great ideas throughout history… and some actually turn into something.  Some ideas change the world.  The light bulb, sliced bread, the iPhone!  But it takes two pieces… research and development on one hand.  And it takes implementation on the other. 

      Development is when you create something new… you invent something… it is the start of something… or the redesign of something. 

      Implementation is when you actually begin to use it… putting it into practice.  So the best plan, the best design is essentially worthless, or without it’s true meaning, unless it gets used… unless it is carried out.  You don’t spend all the time and resources to have it sit on a shelf.

      Jesus used similar language with His disciples the night of His resurrection.  He had re-created something… the human race through His resurrection.  He had done the development and paid the cost to destroy death, and sin’s strangle-hold on creation, and to restore our relationship with God.  Now, all that was left was living in light of that… the implementation.  That task He handed off to His disciples, to embrace and to share… and then passed down to those who continue to follow Him.  Let’s not leave this priceless plan on a shelf, let’s embrace it and lovingly implement it!  And that’s … real life. ~Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church


    Eaglebrook Church

    Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods