Missions @ Eaglebrook




  • We support a variety of missions efforts at Eaglebrook Church. We believe that it's our duty and responsibility to both fund and actively participate in local, nationwide, and international missions.


  • We feel strongly about partnering with organizations and people whom God has knit together with this fellowship, and whom God has put on our heart to support.


  • There are so many great causes, so many great organizations, so many people worthy of support... so we simply do our best to seek the heart of God to know who to support as a church family.



Individuals and organizations supported by Eaglebrook.

  • Samaritan's Purse - Eaglebrook partners with Samaritan’s Purse each Christmas Season, sending off shoe-boxes for "Operation Christmas Child". For more information, please CLICK HERE or visit their website.



  • Beth Mabry - Beth, through Cadence International, ministers to the youth of American military families who are stationed around the world. After spending years of ministry in Germany, Beth is now serving in Japan. For for information, be sure to check out her profile page.


  • New Dawn Pregnancy Resource Center - New Dawn provides compassionate and confidential support for women and men with unplanned pregnancies. For more information, please visit their website.




  • Lakeland Pantry - The Lakeland Pantry provides individuals and families with a dependable source of supplemental food, household and hygiene products. They also offer programs designed to improve quality of life for those in need. Eaglebrook Church serves at the Pantry every other Thursday to help distribute food. For more information, visit their website. If you would like more information about serving with Eaglebrook Church every other Thursday, email .

    pantryDon Buege - Don, working with Blazing Trees, seeks to evangelize, equip and plant churches among the numerous people groups scattered throughout the vast region of Russia. Primarily working with nationals, Don leads teams to Russia numerous times each year, to help enable the Body of Christ in Russia to shine the light of God’s Love. For more information, email .

Don Buege


  • Jim and Lyn Moomey - Jim and Lyn Moomey serve Ruby Havens in George, South Africa that lovingly cares for orphaned children in home settings that helps them feel more secure and creates the environment of family. For more information visit their website.




  • Evidence 4 Faith - Evidence 4 Faith is an apologetics ministry founded in 2021 to point people to God through the study of History, Science and The Bible.  Michael Lane is the founder and Executive Director.

       For more information about Evidence 4 Faith, be sure to check their website.


     Compassion International - Compassion International is a Christian child sponsorship organization dedicated to the long-term development of children living in poverty around the world. Through the Eaglebrook Children’s Ministry, our own children have enjoyed supporting these children around the world, and write to them regularly. For more information, or to sponsor a child of your own, please visit the Compassion website.



    Krischelle Frost / Lemuel Ministries - Lemuel is a faith-based organization that seeks to help the destitute of Haiti escape the vicious cycle of poverty through education, community development, economic improvement, and spiritual formation. Eaglebrook Church supports Lemuel Ministries directly, and also supports Krischelle Frost, who serves at Lemuel through Extreme Response. For more information, be sure to check out Lemuel’s Blog.


For more information on any of the individuals or organizations that Eaglebrook Church supports, please feel free to email