Real Life Article 6/28/24

06.26.24 | Lakeland Times Article | by Steve Rowe

Real Life Article 6/28/24

    Real Life Article -- 06/28/2024

    Real Life

    With Pastor Steve

    June 28, 2024

    Finally, The power is back on! ~ anyone who’s ever lost power in a storm or something similar.

      How long have you ever had to go without power?  A few hours?  A few days?  Weeks maybe?  I remember when I was a child, we had the “ice storm of the century” in my hometown.  We were without power for nearly 3 weeks.  It seemed like an eternity when you’re a kid. 

      The worst part was, it was in the middle of winter.  We wound up living with my great- grandparents out-of-state to wait it out.  It really stinks not to have power.  Nothing works.  Refrigerators, lights, heaters, electronic entertainment (yes, we had TV’s when I was a kid!).  But the longer the power is out, the greater the euphoria when it comes back on.  And it means different things to different people.  Hot showers, unspoiled food, lights in the darkness, comfort and heat.  So many different expressions of one singular source – power.  But it is the connection to that power that fulfills its purpose.

      Well… did you know that the human race was essentially “without power” for about, oh, 4000 years? From Adam & Eve to Jesus.  But then Jesus turned on the power switch… after His ascension He gave us His Holy Spirit, humanity’s true “power source.”  Reclaimed purpose. The question is… are you plugged in?  We’ll explore that from Acts chapter 2 this Sunday!   And that’s … real life. ~Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church


    Eaglebrook Church

    Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods

    Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woo