Real Life --May 24. 2024

05.20.24 | Lakeland Times Article | by Steve Rowe

Real Life --May 24. 2024

    Real Life -- Lakeland Times -- May 24, 2024

    Real Life

    With Pastor Steve

    May 24, 2024


    Are we there yet? ~ statement made by almost every kid at some point in their life

      Ok… how many of your kids have ever said that?  How many of you have ever said that?  How many of you still say that!

      Sometimes we are so eager (or so bored), that the question is asked before we’re barely on the road or on the journey.  Sometimes we misread signs and make the wrong assumption that we are closer than we really are. Other times, we may have an unclear picture of what “there” really is.  Either way, one thing is certain… we don’t enjoy the journey along the way. 

      It’s not surprising that the disciples of Jesus, about 40 days after the resurrection asked him… “Are we there yet? Is it finally time… now… for you to restore the kingdom to Israel?”  It’s what they had been waiting for.  That’s what they assumed all these signs were pointing toward.  That’s what they thought the goal of this “road trip”, this journey had always been.  The response by Jesus was classic.  In summary it was “no, but that was never the end goal anyway… it’s much bigger.  And the journey… is actually part of the goal.  Know Me now, follow Me now, enjoy the journey, and invite people to join you!”  So whether it’s a road trip, or the big picture of life, don’t be in a hurry.  You have a purpose right now, so enjoy the journey! And that’s … real life. ~Pastor Steve Rowe – Eaglebrook Church


    Eaglebrook Church

    Your “Brook” church in the Northwoods

    Sundays 10:00 a.m. @ 1025 Margaret Street in Woodruff